The Great Indoors: Staying inside and entertained with your family
There are more options for things to do as a family are starting to open up with the news of some of our local beaches opening up along with parts of our country. For some, cabin-fever is the only thing they are feeling as many people in our country have been told to stay at

What do I do with a child dealing with depression?
Depression and what does it look like for me and my child? We as adults think we understand what depression looks like, we sleep a lot, maybe we eat too much ice cream, we wear black, and listen to sad music. We write sad poetry and comment on the unfair nature of life? What does

Staying on top of your mental health during COVID-19
The kids are home from school and you’re probably working from home as the world continues to deal with COVID-19. For some families, this could be a dream come true to spend the entire day with their loved ones every single day. Others might not know how to deal with this kind of scenario because

Social Distancing vs Social Isolation: Maintaining relationships and setting boundaries
As our country continues to deal with COVID-19, the term ‘social distancing’ continues to pop up. Social Distance is a big reason why you are probably working from home, your kids are not at their physical school, and why so many businesses are limiting how many people are allowed inside. CDC says limiting face-to-face contact with

Accepting the new normal: Working and learning from home
If we’re not already wondering ourselves, someone is probably joking about it on social media: “what day is it?” The CDC has been keeping on an eye on the coronavirus since the beginning of 2020. The United States has seen over 300,000 cases this year and over 7000 deaths since January. The global pandemic has

Talking to your kids about COVID-19
The U.S continues to talk about COVID-19 and the uncertainties it not only leaves for our country but the rest of the world. The virus has been dominating headlines and has been a part of the news cycle since the beginning of this year. At a time of calls from our nation’s leaders to social

An update from YCC in response to COVID-19
A Letter From The Director of Strategic Partnerships A Letter From Our President & CEO With the recent updates from our government regarding COVID-19, and in order to ensure staff and clients are as safe as possible, Youth Crisis Center is making some changes to our provision of services. As of March 19th, the residential

CDC: Wash hands, stay home if sick to avoid COVID-19
YCC wants everyone to remain safe and healthy! In the wake of COVID-19, please review this information from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention about this virus. Symptoms: Symptoms of the virus become noticeable between 2-14 days after exposure and range from mild to severe. These symptoms are fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Prevention: There

Finding your flock; how to avoid getting mixed in with the wrong crowds
It’s a proverb you have probably heard once or twice in your life, “birds of a feather flock together.” It means those who have the same interests or like the same things will usually be found together. Everybody has their own flock whether they’re extroverted and enjoy going out on Friday nights for karaoke or

Setting aside time to check in with your child
It’s natural for parents and children to want to spend time together. However, with a busy work-life, school, after-school activities and other distractions, it could be hard to be able to set aside time to check in with your loved ones. Things happen and sometimes interactions slip through the cracks, but there are ways to

How to show your child affection if you struggle with it
There’s no universal way of showing love. People show love and affection in different ways. Plenty of people express their feelings through hugs and kisses, but that kind of physical affection could be difficult for some. Others may struggle with giving and receiving compliments. The same goes for families. While adults may be used to

Recognizing Love Languages with Your Family
Hopefully, it’s not a feeling or thought that crosses the mind of any child – whether or not they feel like their parents do not love them. There can be numerous things that would lead a child to have a feeling like this such as lack of affection shown by parents, unpleasant interactions, or negative

What is self-esteem and how can you boost it?
According to the Oxford dictionary, self-esteem is a noun that means a feeling of being happy with your character and abilities. When Family Link Therapist LaRhonda Britton thinks of the word self-esteem, the word confidence comes to mind. Many others would probably associate confidence with self-esteem because according to the Oxford dictionary, confidence means the

The role mindfulness can play in your mental health
The role mindfulness can play in your mental health According to Headspace, mindfulness is the quality of being present and fully engaged with whatever is happening at the moment. Mindfulness can play a role in one’s mental health especially if someone is trying to make healthy changes in their life. Becoming mindful to make healthy changes

Easing your child back into a routine after a break or transition
After a few weeks off from anything you do consistently, it could be difficult to get back into a routine. This could apply to taking a few weeks off from working out, returning to work after some time off, and even your kids going back to school after their winter break. When one thinks of

Moving Away from Negative Thoughts
Negative thoughts are not helpful thoughts. Negative thinking rarely gets us to the things we desire the most. These thoughts can be anything negative in your mind that gives you a feeling you do not value from. Once you have these thoughts, it could be hard to move away from. Ashton Crawford is a Licensed

Helping Your Child Set and Reach Their Goals
“New Year, New Me,” is a phrase often repeated around this time of the year. Some people associate the beginning of the year with getting a fresh start or a new chapter in their lives. Some people even will try to set goals for the new year or resolutions. Whether you believe in setting goals

The Importance of Setting Boundaries During the Holidays
Many expectations come with the holiday season. It can be the potlucks at your work, coworkers setting up a gift exchange, close friends planning get-togethers, and spending time with family both near and far. During this time of the year, it can be easy to overschedule or get overwhelmed. There could be times when a

Staying on top of your mental health this holiday season
The year is coming to a close and the holiday season is upon us. Some people look forward to spending quality time with family and friends through a handful of social events while others may dread this time of the year. Those feelings could be due to stress, anxiety, depression, or several other factors in

Dealing with Holiday Stress in the Workplace
The holiday season is now in full swing, and some people are probably counting down until their long weekend or the vacation they have been waiting all year for. The end of the year can also signal a race to the finish line, as employees work to meet their deadlines to get everything done before

Expectations, Routines, and Acts of Kindness: How to get your kids ready for the holidays
There could be a new kind of excitement in the air for kids when they get to be included in the holiday festivities with their families, for the first time. These festivities can vary from dinner parties, social outings, or travel – it all depends on the family. These festivities can be a positive experience

Hayden Hurst Family Foundation and Youth Crisis Center Hosting First Golf Tournament
Jacksonville-native and Baltimore Ravens’ tight-end Hayden Hurst is planning a return to Jacksonville in February for a golf tournament. The very first Hayden Hurst Family Foundation Golf Tournament will take place on Deercreek Country Club on February 24, 2020. Hayden established the Hayden Hurst Family Foundation in 2018 as a way to provide funding to

Is My Child Just Experiencing The Holiday Blues Or Is It Something More?
Throughout childhood and adolescence, it’s normal for your child to experience a wide range of emotions. However, if the negative feelings last longer than a normal “bad mood” and begin to impact your child’s ability to function normally, they could be experiencing depression. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1.9 million children ages

Teens On The Run – How To Spot Runaway Risks and How To Prevent Them
Every year, between 1.6 and 2.8 million youth run away, according to the National Runaway Safeline. There is a multitude of reasons why youth run away, whether they feel unsafe in their home, are in a constant battle with their family, feel shunned due to their sexual orientation, are experiencing mental health issues, or have a

Collaboration Supporting the LGBTQ+ Community
In a national study on youth homelessness, it was discovered that LGBTQ+ youth are 120% more likely to become homeless than their heterosexual peers. The prejudice and bigotry that many LGBTQ+ youth face can come from their family, friends or people in their community. The rejection that they receive can lead them to develop anxiety,

Family Support is Key
Every crisis is different, just like each family’s experience within it. It is unfortunate that families today face a barrage of experiences that can result in a family crisis: death, divorce, addiction, relocation, mental illness, unemployment…the list goes on. There is no “typical” family crisis, just as there is no “typical” family. A crisis within

Is Your Child Stressed?
Everyone has felt stressed out at one time or another. Whether it’s feeling overwhelmed at work, financial pressures, family drama or schoolwork overload, we’ve all been faced with that sense of “It’s just too much to handle.” Most of us have learned to take a breath, have a good cry, take it out at the

National Child Abuse Prevention Month
A 2017 study estimated that 1,720 children in the United States died that year from abuse and neglect. Of those fatalities, 72 percent of the children were younger than three years old. Prevention of these types of tragedies is why the Youth Crisis Center is promoting National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Every April, National Child

Shining a Light on National Youth Violence Prevention Week
During the month of April, the National Youth Violence Prevention Campaign is recognized for one week. This year, National Youth Violence Prevention Week takes place April 12 – April 16th. Around 200,000 homicides occur annually worldwide among youth between the ages of 10-29. According to the World Health Organization, that makes up 43% of the total number

Youth Crisis Center Advocates for Funding from Florida Legislature
Children in Need of Help Playful, spirited, fun and happy – these are the things that come to mind when you think of children. However, many children struggle to find a carefree youth; instead, they experience anger or behavioral issues that plague their everyday lives. “If left untreated – whether it’s due to lack of