First Coast Living Interview on World Mental Health Day 2017
Kim Sirdevan, President and CEO of Youth Crisis Center stopped by First Coast Living on World Mental Health Day to talk with Charlene Shirk about YCC’s rebranding and focus on early trauma detection while supporting children and their families. The interview also covers ways to acknowledge and help people suffering from trauma in the workplace,

How to Calm Your Child’s Anxiety while Prepping for a Hurricane
Hurricane season is a very anxious time for adults, but moreso for children who have a limited understanding of hurricanes and their impact. Channel 4 News stopped by Youth Crisis Center to get advice on ways you can minimize your child’s anxiety in these stressful times.

Jacksonville BUZZ Magazine interviews YCC President and CEO, Kim Sirdevan
On September 8th, Kim Sirdevan spoke with Chelsea Vance from BUZZ Magazine. She discussed YCC’s history as a haven for children since 1974 and how YCC is maintaining this status by adding more programs designed to help children and their families. Click here to read the article. The Youth Crisis Center is open 24/7 and has staff available daily to

The Youth Crisis Center, Butterfly Garden Luncheon: Celebrating the Wings of Change
Join the Youth Crisis Center on Friday, November 17th 2017 for our Butterfly Garden Luncheon, Celebrating the Wings of Change. YCC has a lot to celebrate, including our new focus towards awareness on the impact of trauma for youth and families and our recent collaboration with Jacksonville Area Sexual Minority Youth Network (JASMYN). Enjoy a

First Coast Forum Interview with Kim Sirdevan, President and CEO of the Youth Crisis Center, and Brian Middleton
On August 30th Kim Sirdevan stopped by First Coast Forum to chat with Brian Middleton about the programs that the Youth Crisis Center offers and the repositioning of their brand. In 1974 former Councilwoman Gwen Yates founded the Transient Youth Center which was a safe shelter space for runaway youth. In 1982, it became Youth

Youth Crisis Center CEO and President Kim Sirdevan interviewed by iHeart Radio
On Sunday August 6, 2017, Kim Sirdevan, President and CEO of the Youth Crisis Center, was interviewed by iHeart Radio about their current happenings, the repositioning of their brand, and new collaboration with JASMYN. The Youth Crisis Center, founded in 1974, is known as Florida’s first runaway program, has grown to be one of the

Art Therapy
Art therapy is defined as “…a treatment based on the interaction of the creator, the creation, and the therapist” (Freilich and Schechtman, 2010, p. 98). There are many ways to define art therapy and the definition itself is debated on across the field, along with the difference between an art therapist and a creative counselor.

Healthy Boundaries
Boundaries are guidelines, rules or limits that a person can create that that teach us acceptable and unacceptable behavior. It’s important to set boundaries in order to communicate what you will and will not tolerate from a person or a relationship. It’s a way of setting limits in a way that is healthy and

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Electronics
As an Outpatient therapist, I work with clients that come in with a wide array of diagnoses. However when I sit back and look at the clients I work with the most, the diagnosis that is most prevalent is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD. Per the DSM-V Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder has 3 subtypes: 1) predominately inattentive

“The Baby Blues”: Postpartum Affective Disturbances
Motherhood, a role that can be described as an attainment of a woman’s true adulthood, fulfillment, and happiness. Yet, simultaneously, childbirth is regarded as a crisis in women’s lives that places them at risk for psychiatric disorders (Lee, 1997). The natural fluctuations in hormone levels that are associated with parturition are viewed as problematic. These